The Song of the Ages

Awakening to the love of God and to your union with Christ looks like something . . .

- You have stability and peace even in the midst of incredible difficulty

- There is authority in your prayers and laughter in your decrees

- A deep bliss and unending satisfaction in your relationship with the Father

An abiding fruitfulness in your life — others are drawn to your light and learn to discover that light for themselves

The journey of the Shulammite in the great Song of Solomon is the journey of true awakening. The Song of the Ages is simply a guide through this eternal Song — one that leads the reader into this journey of awakening for themselves.

There are mysteries and keys hidden within the ancient Song that unlock the freedom of our true identity. In this second part of The Song of the Ages, Nick Padovani continues to help the reader discover these things by bringing them through a majestic door of wisdom and revelation within the Song.

Behind this door also lies a great mystery regarding the destiny of the church and the future of human civilization . . .