Breaking the Money Barriers
註釋When I was a little boy, I allowed my thoughts to carry me away from the extreme poverty in which I lived to a place where I knew things would be better. My seven sisters and I were orphaned and left on the streets of Detroit. We were determined to stay together at any cost! The price we paid was extreme poverty for many years. We were constantly on the run, living wherever we could find a place to sleep. Although the times were hard, we made it. I went into business for myself selling candy at the age of eight, and we soon had enough money to buy a house. It was in an inner-city neighborhood, but it was home. I worked hard and had little time to play. It was during those lean times that I made up my mind to do something great with my life. I decided someday to become wealthy and help others do the same. In my early years, I always had a job and several businesses. Even at lunchtime during school I would sneak away and cut a customer's lawn or sweep out a basement. I learned how to make a dollar at a very young age, but I didn't learn how to manage it for many years. I would become wealthy and then lose it all.