Technical Analysis Of Stock Market For Beginners

  Technical Analysis Of Stock Market For Beginners :

This outstanding reference has already taught thousands of traders the concepts of technical analysis and their application in the futures and stock markets. Covering the latest developments in computer technology, technical tools, and indicators, the second edition features new material on candlestick charting, intermarket relationships, stocks and stock rotation, plus state-of-the-art examples and figures. From how to read charts to understanding indicators and the crucial role technical analysis plays in investing, readers gain a thorough and accessible overview of the field of technical analysis, with a special emphasis on futures markets. Revised and expanded for the demands of today's financial world, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in tracking and analyzing market behavior.

This book contains the following topics that will guide you through the path of Technical Analysis Of Stock Market.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

A Good Trader

Chapter 2

Traders vs. Investors

Chapter 3

Types of Traders

Market Participants.

Retail Investors:


Institutional Investors:




Traders Type (Time basis).


Day Traders

Swing Traders

Position Traders –

Chapter 4

Trading Styles

Trend Trading.

What is a Trend?

What are types of Trends?

Advantages of Trend Trading:

Swing Trading

What is Swing Trading?

How does Swing Trading work?

What are the advantages of Swing Trading?

Chapter 5

The How, When and What of a Trade

What Kind of a Trader Are You?

The Novice

The Student

The Sceptic

The Oracle

The Trader

How to Trade Like a Master

Trading Only High Probability Opportunities

Never Over-Trade.

Find a Shoe That Fits Your Size.

Timing the Markets.

Your Trade Should Fit the Type of Stock You are Trading

Fundamental Stocks

Technical Stocks

Supply Choke or 'Punting' Markets

How Many Open Trades at a Time?

Chapter 6

Risk Control: How to Stop Losses and Protect Your Gains

Why Some Traders Don't Use Stop Losses

Stop Loss

General Rule

Trailing Stop Loss

Stop Losses for Volatile Stocks

Using Stop Losses to Protect Your Profits

Stop Losses When Markets Open with Gaps

Stop Losses When a Stock is Being Manipulated

Chapter 7

The Art Of Reading Charts

Candlestick Charts

Overbought/ Oversold Overload

Gaps in Candlestick Charts

Breakaway Gaps:

Continuation Gaps:

Exhaustion Gap:

Weekly Charts-- For a Longer Trading Position

Using Hourly Charts 41

Be With the Stock On the 'West Side' and Let it Go On the 'East Side'.

Chapter 8

Trading Strategies

Never Fight the Market

Don't Trade When You Don't Have Any Edge

Trading Pitfalls-- and How to Avoid Them

How much should you trade?

Buy High, Sell Higher

Going for the Jugular Trade

Trade With What You Can Afford to Lose

When Day Trading, Be a Fruit Vendor.

Winning the Game of Odds

Secrets of Open Interest

Riding the Longer Cycle

Consensus Indicators

Channel Trading Systems

Improving Your Odds

Trading the Different Types of Rallies

Short Covering Rally

Long Term Rally

Sectoral Rally

The Successful Trader's Psychology

Trading Replicates the Behaviour of Fish

Stop Blaming Others

Don't Have Preconceived Notions About the Market's Direction

Reading the Mind of Others Who are Trading Your Stocks

Beware the Trading Minefields

Trading Secrets from the Masters