The mariner's new calendar. Containing the principles of arithmetic and practical geometry; with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots
Also Rules for finding the Prime, Epact, Moon's Age, Time of High-Water, with Tables for the same. Together with exact tables of the sun's place, Declination, and Right-Ascension: Of the Right Ascension and Declination of the Principal Fixed Stars: Of the Latitude and Longitude of Places: A large Table of Difference of Latitude and De parture, for the exact Working a Traverse. Also the description and use of the sea-quadrant: Necessary Problems in Plane-Sailing and Astronomy, wrought by the Logarithms, and by Gunter's Scale: A Tice Table: The Courses and Distances on the Coast of Great Britain, Ireland, France, and c. And the Soundings at coming into the Channel: With Directions for sailing into some Principal Harbours. By Nathaniel Colson, Student in the Mathematics. The whole revised, and adjusted to the new stile by William Mountaine, F.R.S
出版Messrs. Mount and Page, on Tower-Hill, 1785