Wrath and Glory, 3rd Edition

Many Christians are very intimidated by the book of Revelation. They are convinced that it contains nothing but bad news. They are even further daunted by the great variety of bizarre interpretations of the book.

In this book, Dr. David Reagan explains that Revelation contains only good news for those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Dr. Reagan proves that any Christian can understand the book of Revelation if they are willing to accept its plain-sense meaning.

As the Lord begins to open your understanding, you will be thrilled by the promises of God that it contains for believers. You will find yourself earnestly yearning for the Lord's soon return as never before!

This book is written for all denominations and ages. It dispels the myths about Revelation, showing that the messages of Revelation are desperately needed by the 21st Century Church, which is apostasized from within and persecuted from without.