註釋Sanyas is the Yoga of Renunciation. The practice of sanyas or swamihood is said to be the most effective tool to obtain liberation. Swami Sivananda Radha offers a unique perspective on sanyas and how this ancient practice continues to be a relevant and living tradition in the West. Collected from her talks and writings spanning 40 years, On Sanyas is a helpful guide for all those who are interested in a life of renunciation, and for those who are already on the path. Through her own experience as a sanyasi, Swami Sivananda Radha shows what it means to renounce possessions and live on faith. She explains renunciation in daily life, initiations, guru-disciple relationships and the karmic consequences of breaking the sanyas vows. Inspirational and challenging, On Sanyas gives rare insight into a life lived in renunciation. There is more to renunciation than letting things go. It's a commitment to facing life and moving forward. It's a practice of compassion in a time when terrible things are happening in the world. It's a vow to look to each other and live a life that overcomes emotional turmoil and fear, creating a solid foundation to work with and to bring into the world. -Swami Radhananda