Gastrointestinal Drug Therapy in the Elderly
註釋If you?re a pharmacist, nurse, or physician involved in caring for elderly patients, you?ll definitely want to take advantage of the concise review of the most important drugs for gastrointestinal problems in Gastrointestinal Drug Therapy in the Elderly. Compact, clear, and concise, this new volume will give you vital information concerning drug therapy for the elderly as presented by some of the world?s most authoritative, qualified professionals. Your knowlege of effective drug therapies will expand, and you?ll find new avenues of application for your treatment methods.

Gastrointestinal Drug Therapy in the Elderly brings out your practical side, giving you method after method for dealing with the gastrointestinal maladies of elderly patients. Its scope is broad and contemporary, covering everything from gastroesophageal reflux disease to peptic ulcers, from inflammatory bowel disease to constipation and diarrhea. Specifically, you?ll get pragmatic guidance in the following areas:
  • heartburn causes and treatments
  • gastritis and peptic ulcers
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • case studies of drug effects on the gastrointestinal tract

    You?ll also receive in this useful volume a review of basic pathophysiology and the effects of drugs on the GI tract. Filled with useful case studies and recent findings on drug use, Gastrointestinal Drug Therapy in the Elderly is your guide to practicality and heightened success in the treatment of persistent gastrointestinal problems in your elderly patients.