A Comparison of the Heat Balance of Lakes in Winter
Jon T. Scott
University of Wisconsin, Department of Meteorology
, 1964
Study of fifty-three lakes in Wisconsin during the winter of 1962-63 showed that differences of lake morphometry produce large lake-to-lake variations in many of the heat balance terms and in ice phenology. Lake depth and size are the most significant morphometric features influencing heat balance and phenology. Differences in lake morphometry produce a larger variation in ice thickness in one area than a latitude difference of 250 miles. The mean temperature of the water on the lake closing date and maximum ice thickness are significantly correlated with mean fetch of the lakes. A multiple regression analysis shows that mean depth is not significantly correlated with these two factors. Lake depth influences the change in mean temperature of the water, especially during cooling and for a short period after opening. Shallow lakes close before deep lakes. Opening date is influenced by both size and depth of the lake. The lakes are good climatic indicators provided morphometric factors which produce non-climatic effects are taken into account. Maximum ice thickness and ice phenology data are useful climatic indicators. (Author).