The First Writings for the Dead in Christ

Messages for the Living Dead In Christ Jesus. Is simply, a collection of common sense odes, or evident truths and spiritual wisdom; written down for the spiritual lost? I believe these abhorrent truths of the suffering and punishments of the unbelievers are written in the bible in plain sight and between the lines. They have been written down in these books as warnings and informational statements; to help a few lost sinners repent and come to Christ Jesus before it is too late?

These books speak directly to the living dead in Christ; with biblical answers, too what I believe will happen to the lost, the unbelievers after physical death and their final judgments by Christ Jesus. These books are written to allow the reader to examine their lives and make decision for eternity and see of they are a “Saint” or an “Ain’t a Saint”.

Turn the pages of these books to see what the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus has in store for those who are lost and without hope. These exhilarating books are designed to point the way to true biblical salvation and bring light of Christ Jesus to a few; who realize how hopeless life is without the Savior Christ Jesus. For some these books with bring fear, and worry, for others they will only laugh; may God have mercy on the soul who refuses to listen and see and hear the words of God.