After a series of upheavals, Josie finds friendship in the unlikeliest of places...
Margaret Thornton's Forgive Our Foolish Ways is a powerful saga of grief, family and friendship during the stormy days of the Second World War. Perfect for fans of Dilly Court and Annie Murray.
'A lovely book to read by the fireside on dark, long nights' - Herald Express
Struggling to come to terms with her mother's tragic death, Josie Goodwin is distraught when she hears that her father is to remarry before the year is out. Bossy, buxom Iris Collier, who's had her eye on Samuel Goodwin for quite some time, is to be Josie's stepmother and it's clear from the start they aren't going to get on. A family holiday in Blackpool with her younger brother Bertie and sister Frances fills Josie with joy, but the growing intimacy between Iris and Frances soon dampens her spirits, making her feel isolated and unloved.
After the holiday Josie finds that the situation at home doesn't improve. Then the Second World War erupts and a series of events take place that will change her life forever. Moving to Blackpool to escape from the war's painful memories, she gains a deeper understanding of her stepmother's ways and slowly but surely they establish a bond of friendship that is to see them through the ups and downs of the coming years.
What readers are saying about Forgive Our Foolish Ways:
'Margaret Thornton is a brilliant storyteller. Her books draw you in, so you feel you know the characters. Hard to put down'
'Five stars'