The Power Of Trump
註釋This book displays the success and productivity that Trump is bringing to the country, and how the people of all classes are benefiting from his radical moves.

It shows how he assists so many people equally, regardless of race, gender, creed, or nationality (for example, when he spoke with the president of the Virgin Islands to help with relief support)

His caring for earth’s many challenges such as climate change, decreasing trophy hunting, and protection of hibernating animals, can be helpful in protecting Mother Nature.

Even when he first took office, he immediately made big changes in the deficit which changed many of the potentials in so many categories.

His swift thinking and sharing ideas on Twitter have changed the potential of productivity not only for manufacturing companies, but also to make a drastic move for those in need of employment.

Thankfully, one of the more important things is his unique maneuver in helping the middle class when it comes to affordable medical plans simply by making extreme changes to Obamacare.

His moves have been witnessed, not only by the American people, but by many people around the world realizing how much of a positive change can actually be made to “Make America Great Again”.

Just a personal perspective...

-Vincent Breslin