Giordano Bruno Versus Aristotle: The Case Of Metaphysics
The Comparison Between Aristotelian Metaphysics And The New Brunian Speculation
出版Babelcube Inc, 2020-09-18
主題Philosophy / Metaphysics
註釋The revolutionary nature of Bruno's speculation is exercised against the tradition of certain Aristotelian texts fundamental to the transmission of Western thought and civilisation. In a main way it attacks and demolishes the cornerstones of Aristotle's Metaphysics, in order to be able to begin to affirm - or, if you like, to reaffirm (having given the explicit reference of the Nolan philosopher to the reflection of the early Presocratics) - the principle of the creative and doubly dialectical Infinity. The short essay follows the formulation and progressive development of the Aristotelian text through the critique exposed by Bruno's reflection. At the end of the text a short Bruno's bibliography is presented.