A Life Experience As No Other: Dare to Seize The Day Together

Six years ago, two ordinary people—that’s us—set off on an affordable adventure that has enhanced our lives beyond expectation. In fact, as we approach our mid-sixties, we exclaim this period to be the most exciting of all. Perhaps a fascinating aspect of the concept is that it’s available to many—people need only identify their desire from life and then pursue it, seize it. We found our passion; it follows that we understand our purpose.

We embarked on this ongoing journey by giving up our physical home and storing our movable possessions and took to living on the road as we travel in many parts of the world in search of exciting and challenging hikes. As we struggle and sweat up and down the mountain slopes, the loving relationship we enjoy is further bonded while we face the risks and pleasures on display in this endlessly beautiful planet. We don’t limit ourselves to a fixed abode; rather, we try to inhabit the world, albeit tiny bits.

Years before, we developed a fascination for hiking, particularly to mountain peaks (however, it could be any activity). As an ancillary benefit, we discovered the enthrallment of meeting interesting people and being enveloped in different cultures and customs—a truly broadening experience. The natural beauty existing in the world is beyond belief and seems infinite, especially as no scene ever repeats itself. The taste of freedom, as we became liberated from the daily grind of city life and material possessions, is something we never envisioned—we always believed we were free. Perhaps above it all, a process of discovery and self-growth has stimulated more meaning and understanding within our lives. We also realize the foregoing is but the beginning as we race against the inevitable diminishing of time and good health that stalks us all.

The book provides visuals in the form of a limited selection of photographs attesting to our adventures. The text discusses some personal philosophy, anecdotes, and experiences of living on the road and in the wilds, including incidents and humorous occurrences that make for a full and rounded life.