Comparative Public Administration

This approachable introduction to the system of public administration utilizes a straightforward study of the present system of public administration & management in several key nations, broken down country by country. This book investigates the degree to which modern public management, politicians, and public opinion can have an impact on bureaucracy in a variety of nations.

This textbook presents a comprehensive analysis and explanation of the current condition of public administration as well as recent administrative changes in every nations as U.K, U.S.A, France, China and Switzlend. The comprehensive, comparative, and systematic treatment of public administration and administrative reforms are the key of Westren countries; Empirical scrutiny of administra-tive convergence/persistence/divergence; Empirical scru-tiny of administrative convergence/persistence/divergence; Comparison of typical European and western administra-tive traditions and their historical development; these are the key features of this book. This book examines the development of comparative public administration as well as the methodologies used by F. W. Riggs, Ferrel Heady, and John D. Montgomery to get an understanding of the primary administrative structures utilized in different parts of the globe. It investigates the degree to which different types of governments, political systems, and public opinion may have an impact on bureaucracies in several different countries and investigates the function of public administration structures within the democratic frameworks of those nations.