For Victorian Essential Learning Standards Level 6. History
出版Jacaranda, 2007
主題History / General
註釋Humanities Alive History 2 is the second of a two-book series catering for the new Victorian Essential Learning Standards specifically as they apply to the Humanities - History domain. Humanities Alive History 1 caters for Level 5 and Humanities Alive History 2 for Level 6

This visually stimulating content is presented to engage learners and help them to understand and adapt essential information and skills. Interdisciplinary learning, through the four domains of Communication, ICT, Thinking and Design, Creativity and Technology, is embedded in the activities and extended through a range of supporting worksheets. Links are also made to domains within the Physical, Personal and Social Learning strand, particularly Civics and Citizenship.

Key features:
  • Structured activities, geared to the essential learning standards, and catering for a wide range of abilities and intelligences
  • Skillbooster activities that address a range of reasoning and interpretation skills
  • Check and challenge sections at the end of every chapter to revise, apply and extend understanding and knowledge
  • A supporting CD-ROM that includes an electronic copy of the student textbook, links for all activity panels to Microsoft Word files, and a range or interactive multimedia programs to reinforce and test recall and higher order skills