Soul Messenger
註釋Is it possible that our loved ones can communicate after they die? Are there 'helpers' on the other side who greet us at the time of death and help us to find our way, just as a trusted friend or family member would in this world? Can our departed loved ones 'check in' on us, send us warnings, and perhaps even offer unsolicited advice? Find answers to these questions and so much more-laughter, tears, joy-within the pages of this book that transcends the space between life and death. Soul Messenger is a true story that details the miraculous after-life encounters that have been part of Dr. Annette Childs nearly 25-year career working with the dying and the grieving. Annette had always walked between worlds and this was why her work with those at the end of life had been such a natural fit. However, it was not until meeting the dying Margaret Borwhat that Dr. Childs would really begin to understand how real and how powerful our allies on the other side can be. Shortly after Margaret's death, she began sending a series of inexplicable and unsolicited After Death Communications to her grieving (but non-believing) husband Don. Perplexed, intrigued, and not knowing what else to do, Don turned to Dr. Childs for help in understanding what was happening. What followed was a nearly five-year shared journey between Don and Annette -- one that left them both with no doubt that the Afterlife is a very real place, and that those who have seemingly left this world, are never very far away.