Tracer Methods for in Vivo Kinetics
註釋Tracer Methods for In Vivo Kinetics: Theory and Applications summarizes and evaluates the variety of working formulas in applying tracer methods for kinetic studies in vivo. This book discusses the basic concepts, derives the important equations, and evaluates each working formula to ensure its proper application within the set of experimental conditions available. Organized into 12 chapters, this book starts with an overview of tracers such as radioactive atoms. This text then discusses the errors inherent in treating a two-pool system as though it were one pool. Other chapters describe how, from curves of tracer content of the labeled pool or of the secondary pool, a definitive evaluation is made of rate constants and rate of interflow and outflow in the two-pool open system. This book discusses as well the limited usefulness of a curve of specific gravity when information is limited to such a curve obtained from the secondary pool. This book is intended for mathematicians, biomedical scientists, and graduate students.