The Extraordinary Life of the Miracle Weaver
註釋Gabriel Infante, the powerful Miracle Weaver, resigned the priesthood after ten years as a presbyter and went searching for his beloved Theresa Reynolds, the religious sister who ended up mysteriously pregnant by him. Theresa resigned the sorority to have her baby by herself in San Francisco, California. The mystic encountered a number of adventures and heavenly assistance during his quest. The two lovers finally got reunited there and got married in a civil court.

The mystic continued his miraculous ministry, now as a layman, working hard with his hands to support a wife and eventually two children. Fate took the Infante family of four to Jacksonville, Florida, where the mystic was supposed to get a job with a large energy corporation, but that business collapsed after the arrest of its principal officers for a number of serious corporate crimes.

Gabriel Infante finds himself now homeless and unemployed in a strange city, having to provide for his small family. The devil is still trying to cause the mystic as much trouble and pain as he can because Gabriel continues his truly extraordinary life, interfering with Satan's evil activities among the people of God. How to best respond facing such a situation? His first duty now as husband and father is to provide his little family with all the necessities of life. With his unbreakable faith in God and utilizing his multiple talents, Gabriel trusts he will be able to find a job that will help him fulfill his obligations...