Some Elements of the Mass

The Mass has been at the center of Catholic worship since the day of it's institution on that first Holy Thursday when Jesus Christ took bread, blessed and broke it, and took the cup filled with wine, gave them to his disciples saying: "Take and eat, this is my body...", "take and drink, this is my blood".
Many people who attend this worship observe many ritual actions performed by the priest, and some prayers said both by the celebrant and the people, without knowing why they do and say them. "Some Elements of the Mass" is a brief explanation of these different ritual actions and prayers that make up the Roman Catholic Mass. It tells the reader the origin of some of these ritual actions and prayers, and why they are placed at their present positions within the structure of the Roman Catholic Mass.
Both those coming in newly into the Catholic Church and 'cradle Catholics' have found "Some Elements of the Mass very enlightening and educative.
Like Most Reverend Robert F. Vasa said in the foreword: "The booklet is written, not for scholars, but rather for the "common man" and as such provides a very good introduction to the Mass".