註釋Catalogue comprising eighty five pieces (oils, sculptures, ivory pieces and other graphic material) created by baroque master artists from Andalusia (Spain) and Mexico and that are part of diverse Mexican private and public collections: Museo Nacional de San Carlos, Museo del Carmen, Museo Franz Mayer, Museo Soumaya, Museo Nacional de Arte and others as well as pieces from the holdings of the Museum of the Cathedral of Seville and the art collection of the University of Seville. "This catalogue we present today is a complement to the exhibition "The Baroque Roads between Andalusia and New Spain" (Our translation)."--Page [7]. The exhibition included a homonymous international seminar held Nov. 18-19, 2011 at the Museo Nacional de San Carlos in Mexico City. This fine edition comprises the participating papers, a collection of essays that deal with the influence of the Andalusia artists who immigrated to the territory of New Spain and that constitute on the most part, the origin of the Mexican School of Painting. The authors explore the baroque iconographic forms that emerged in Andalusia in the 17th century and were later adapted in Mexico through alternative art proposals that spanned to the 19th century.