Marketing is Finance is Business

Are (global) brands dead? Does marketing still matter? Is there still a "secret sauce” companies can apply to build winning brands in the future? Chris will show why great marketing is so much more than pretty pictures and Silicon snake oil. In his first book: ”MARKETING is FINANCE is BUSINESS” (published Dec 18), you will discover the rocket science behind the creation of marketing miracle$ in the galactic age upon us, in 4 stages

1) Look up: how to change our mindset from Thinking and Accting "Local/Global" to "Galactic"

2) Get your basic wings to fly: Understand the key historical models used in marketing and finance - the ones BOTH the CMO and CFO should know

3) (Re)Discover Burggraeve's 8 Marketing Fundamentals

4) Speak Better Wall Street - discover Alpha M - the world's first ever marketing model