Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Dir City
註釋The study is an attempt to analyze municipal solid waste generation Dir City, District Dir Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. This study has utilized primary data collected through a semi-structured questionnaire and direct waste sampling as primary research. Mathematical analysis and descriptive statistical analysis is applied and generation of municipal solid waste at different scales is estimated. Results indicated that the total waste generated was 16.65 million kg/annum (18356.5 tons) or 45624¬†kg/day (50.29 tons), or 0.37¬†kg/capita. Average waste produced by residential, commercial, educational and health sectors was 3.3¬†kg, 21¬†kg, 12¬†kg and 7¬†kg, correspondingly. Among all, residential sector was the leading producer with 40738¬†kg (89%) follow by commercial sector 4321¬†kg (9%) per day while remaining in fraction. High income households and large size families were producing average waste of 5.6¬†kg/day and 4.9¬†kg/day, respectively. The main components of waste generated in the study area included paper (8%), organic matter (53%), plastics (12%), clay, pebbles, gravels, ashes and broken ceramic objects (24.8%). The spatial distribution of waste generation varies across the city, high rate of generation was found Rehankot and Shaow whereas Fringe areas were characterized by low generation rate.