When Prayer Gets No Reply
註釋Are there things in your life that are easy to believe when you pray for them? Those are the things in which you see God come through for you over and over again. And yet are there other things in your life that despite reading all the verses, saying all the affirmations, spending all the hours on your knees and speaking all the words of belief-deep down in your soul you really - just - don't - believe. Maybe it's for your health. It could be a financial struggle. It could be emotional wounds from a childhood pain. It could be your marriage. Or a dream you don't even dare speak of anymore. Those are the prayers you and I wrestle with. Those are the victories that don't come about so suddenly at all. Those are the wars we wage often without so much as knowing how. But those are also the wars we must learn to fight-and fight well-because our deepest desires are what will bring us our deepest delights. They are the things that make our hearts smile and our hopes satisfied. But they are also the things that often elude us, just out of reach. Just beyond our prayers. In these pages, we will explore why and uncover the secrets to getting your prayers answered the way you truly want them to be answered the most.