The God Equation

Euler's Formula is the most beautiful equation in mathematics. Yet it's much more. It the governs the universe and defines the soul!

Euler's Formula perfectly complements Leibniz's Monadology. They form the most powerful intellectual combination ever, capable of establishing a true grand unified theory of everything, including religion. It provides a rational explanation of near-death and out-of-body experiences, and homeopathy. It overturns Einstein's principle of relativity, providing the same results via an absolute framework that restores the reality principle.

In this groundbreaking book, we provide the solution to the Cartesian mind-body problem via the Fourier transform – which has the Euler Formula as its engine. We present the Riemann sphere, which works in perfect harmony with the Euler Formula, as the ideal working model of the human soul. And we give the first ever technical explanation of the process of reincarnation. The Euler equation is everything you thought – and more. It's divine.