Saunders Textbook of Medical Assisting
Diane Klieger
Elsevier Saunders
, 2005
Medical / General
Medical / Allied Health Services / Medical Assistants
Medical / Medical History & Records
Medical / Test Preparation & Review
This comprehensive and visually appealing text covers all aspects of both the AAMA and AMT national curricula for medical assisting, including medical terminology, anatomy & physiology, and pathophysiology. The text is written in a reader-friendly style, and integrates features designed to foster a greater awareness for students of the consequences of their actions on the job, as well as to develop greater empathy for the patient's experience. A recurring Ripples on the Pond analogy emphasizes this "ripple," or consequences effect. Case scenarios at the beginning of chapters challenge students to put the chapter content into a real-world perspective, with follow-up questions at the end of chapters that are designed for self-reflection, homework assignments, or class discussion. An integrated package includes an interactive skills software program in the text, a student workbook with recall, application, and critical thinking exercises, a complete instructor's package, and a companion website.
A Ripples on the Pond theme is designed to help students become more aware of the consequences and the cause-and-effect of their actions on the job. This theme is reinforced visually, and in content features throughout the text.
Patient-Centered Professionalism boxes throughout chapters help students think about the chapter content in the perspective of the patient's experience so they can develop empathy for the patient and consider how their actions will be experienced by the patient.
Coverage of national curriculum competencies, with a listing of the AAMA and RMA competencies in the instructor's package. A correlation grid of chapter objectives to curriculum competencies assures complete compliance with accreditation requirements.
Two special chapters on student skills and employment provide excellent advice on how to get the most out of the learning experience, and how to get a job and succeed in one's career.
Coverage is included of the three prerequisites of any medical assisting program: medical terminology, A&P, and pathology - making this an all-encompassing text that renders the purchase of additional texts unnecessary.
Heavily illustrated step-by-step procedures, with charting examples and rationales, promote better understanding of how to properly perform all clinical and administrative procedures. Weighted competency checklists for all skills are in the student workbook.
What Would You Do? case studies presented at the beginning of each chapter are revisited at the chapter end, along with questions to help students develop their critical thinking skills. These scenarios and questions also make excellent class or small-group discussions, or homework assignments. Suggested responses are in the instructor's package.
For Further Exploration boxes suggest topics for further Internet research. Internet research activities are available in the student workbook, with active links on the companion website that are organized by chapter.
Summary Keys offer a bulleted review of important points for each learning objective, reinforcing the content students must master for each chapter.
Companion online course follows a generic organizational structure, with reading assignments keyed to the Klieger textbook. This course can either stand alone as true distance education courses, or can be used effectively to reinforce a traditional classroom course. An online mentor steps students through a virtual externship as they meet realistic patients, physicians, and co-workers while learning the basic theory and practicing the key curriculum skills.