The Personality of Chess
Israel Albert Horowitz
I. A. Rothenberg
P. L. Rothenberg
Ishi Press International
, 2015-03-22
Once the game of kings, chess now intrigues, fascinates, and experates millions of enthusiasts from all walks of life. What is it in the nature of this unique game that has appealed to so many people for so many centuries? What does this game mean for those who play in, and why does it interest even those who do not? Here are the answers in brilliant book that explains chess as a social, psychological, historical and dramatic phenomenon. Filled with unexpected humor and written in a language anyone can understand, The Personality of chess offers a vast amount of little known facts about the game, some in refutation of popular misconceptions, others boldly treading unexplored areas. Is there a correlation between skill in chess and general intelligence? Does skill in chess reflect proficiency in other fields? Are masters of the game like other men - or do they possess other special mental and emotional kinks? What accounts for the durability of the game? Chess players will find many hitherto unrelated areas fully explored, along with further information on aspects of the game that have received only cursory attention up until now. The general reading will find an entertaining, highly readable profile of one of the most extra ordinary games ever invented by man.