Serpent in the Cellar

The Serpent is a complex moral archetype in mythology. As the Viper, it is a dark force lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. As a sacred mediary, it may represent the power of healing and perpetual life, or the wisdom of the gods.

The Serpent on the Tree of Morality weaves the mythological fabric of moral development underlying the three Abrahamic religions. While the institutional ideologies often lose this thread, the authentic myth is vitally an ancient psychology of love founded on empathy, altruism, generosity, and support within the inclusive boundaries of a universal human family uninhibited by caste, custom, conduct, or creed.

Serpent In the Cellar explores the psychodynamics of this ancient psychology to reveal the deeper pathways of personal power and prosocial morality—cultivating a mature conscience, strengthening trust in community, and inspiring genuine love for one another.