Advances in Psychology Research
註釋This book focuses on the latest developments in psychology research. Chapter One aims at the presentation of specific determinants for indirect type aggressive behaviour in adolescence. Chapter Two studies child-to-parent violence (CPV). Chapter Three briefly summarizes the long-standing literature on stereotypes about gender and emotion and how gender role socialization reinforces these stereotypes before highlighting more recent empirical evidence that refutes at least some of these commonly held beliefs. Chapter Four assesses personality traits and psychiatric indicators in active alcohol-dependent subjects, and also determines the possible associations between clinical conditions alcohol use pattern and time. Chapter Five focuses on insomnia disorder. Chapter Six highlights and compares evolving views concerning morality at different points in time and in different cultural contexts, in addition to reviewing the existing commonly-held opinions regarding the development and purpose of morals within human society. Chapter Seven presents a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials assessing the efficacy of Group Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (GCBT) for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Chapter Eight discusses novel pharmacological strategies for the treatment of depression. Chapter Nine provides new insights for the pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer Disease. Chapter Ten discusses novel perspectives for the pharmacological treatment of Parkinson Disease.