Women Struggling in a Man's World
Aaron Diane Brown
Xlibris Corporation
, 2009-05-19
Biography & Autobiography / General
This book is entitled Women Struggling in a Mans World. In the beginning, when God created the heavens and earth, man was created first. Then he made woman for man. God gave man authority over all things. Woman was made from the rib of man to work by his side as a helpmate. Woman, all over the world has been, and is yet struggling to achieve in this world. A large percent of children is raised by a single parent, with no child support, absence of a father, no high school diploma, and receiving government help. This book is about how I struggled raising my children, working four jobs, receiving no child support. There was a time when I worked at a rehab center as a lab technician. Early in the morning, I carried blood to VA hospital and worked there for eight hours, left there to cook for a woman shelter; and on weekendsfrom 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.I worked at Presbyterian Hospital. On Sunday morning, I and my children were at Sunday school. I want to let women know that they can make it. The key is that you must put all of your trust in God because he will supply all your needs. This world was made by God. Women, you dont have to stoop to low level to get food on the table, gas in your car, or clothes for your children or even be promoted to another job. Be a woman of strength, having morals, values with dignity, and virtue. I want to encourage women to have some standards for themselves. If you dont stand for something, you will fall for anything.