The Myth of American Inequality

A Wall Street Journal Best Book of 2022: Politics • Winner of the 2024 Hayek Book Prize, Manhattan Institute

Hailed by the Wall Street Journal as one of the best books of 2022, The Myth of American Inequality demonstrates that the federal government egregiously overstates the degree of inequality and poverty in the world’s wealthiest nation. In doing so, the authors--a former United States senator, eminent economist, and a former senior leader at the Bureau of Labor Statistics-- challenge the prevailing consensus that income inequality is a growing threat to American society. Getting the facts straight reveals that the key measures of well-being are greater than the official statistics of the country would lead us to believe. Income inequality is lower today than at any time in post- World War II America. The facts reveal a very different and better America than the one that is currently described by policy advocates across much of the political spectrum. The updated edition brings will challenge political debate throughout the 2024 election season and provide clear and convincing evidence that the American Dream is alive and well.