註釋Johnson, Allan Chester, Paul Robinson Coleman-Norton and Frank Card Bourne. Clyde Pharr, General Editor. Ancient Roman Statutes: A Translation with Introduction, Commentary, Glossary, and Index. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961. xxxi, 290 pp. 9" x 12." Reprinted 2003 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN 1-58477-291-3. Hardcover. $150. * A collection of documents in translation based on a collation of Roman laws collected from the editions of Bruns, Girard and Riccobono. Laws gathered from other secondary sources, such as ancient authors' writings and from modern scholars' editions of inscriptions and of papyri, are also included. This volume is Volume II of The Corpus of Roman Law (Corpus Juris Romani), General Editor, Clyde Pharr. (Volume I: The Theodosian Code is also published in reprint by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.)