An English-Slovene Glossary of Automotive Engine Terms
註釋The thesis provides an English-Slovene glossary of automotive engine terms in the form of a specialised encyclopaedic dictionary. The theoretical part offers a short introduction to the fields of terminology and lexicology, as well as terminography and lexicography. This is followed by the description of principles of compiling a specialised bilingual dictionary and an overview of different dictionary structures. The practical part includes the English-Slovene glossary of the most basic automotive engine terms primarily intended for translators from English into Slovene and secondly for experts and semi-experts who wish to better understand texts in English from the specified field. The dictionary is followed by a reverse word list intended for translation from Slovene to English or production of English texts. The glossary is accompanied by a preface, a user's guide and the analysis of the observations made in the process of the compilation.