Proceedings of the 1st Pedagogika International Conference on Educational Innovation, PICEI 2022, 15 September 2022, Gorontalo, Indonesia
出版European Alliance for Innovation, 2023-09-27
主題Education / General
註釋Pedagogika International Conference on Educational Innovation (PICEI) is an international conference held by the Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. This conference took place at Damhil Hotel, Gorontalo, Indonesia, on 15 September 2022. The conference covers six disciplines in the Faculty of Education which are Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Non-formal Education, Guidance and Counselling, Educational Management, and Psychology. The theme of the conference is “Building Resilience in Education in the Time of New Normal”. This conference activity is designed for stakeholders, practitioners, and students in the educational environment. In its implementation, scientific conferences collaborate with 10 (ten) universities and ISMAPI as the co-host with 25 articles published in this proceedings.