Casting Bread Upon The Waters

 If you are struggling, and feeling alone in your confusion… 

If you are looking for stuff that comes from the heart, out of experience of joy and pain…
If you are confused; if you haven’t ‘worked God out’; if you are troubled by your own thoughts/feelings/behaviour; if you sometimes (often) feel a hypocrite...
If you are caught up in the world, but longing for God’s Kingdom...you will find reassurance here.

Casting Bread Upon the Waters
 is a collection of poems, prayers and reflections on the Christian life, with its joys, struggles, questions, dilemmas and challenges. Many of the entries are personal, arising out of Nigel’s own experiences in his walk with God. This is a book to provoke reflection, encourage honesty, comfort the distressed and inspire faith, hope and praise. It asserts that following Christ is seldom easy and never comfortable if we are serious and sincere, and that God, and His ways, are often shrouded in mystery. 

If you want a resource that will help you (and others) in your private devotions, 
and/or your ministry in the church; a resource that will challenge or comfort or inspire…
If you are struggling to align what you have been told about God with your real experience…

For those tired of well-worn platitudes, of people and church trotting out stock phrases that don’t quite ring true, of easy answers and of double standards, Casting Bread Upon the Waters is a must-read. 

If you are wondering whether anyone else thinks or feels as you do…
If your faith is real and strong, and you are determined to persevere, and want some encouragement…
If you are in awe of the beauty, light, truth, love and compassion in the world, but deeply disturbed by the darkness…