The National Child Benefit
Social Inequality Under the New 'Social Union'
出版SSRN, 2016
註釋In this article, the author assesses the likely impact of the National Child Benefit through the NCB Supplement and provincial and territorial Reinvestments. While she acknowledges that the Supplement will benefit a considerable number of low-income households both by increasing their income and curtailing their exposure to the current welfare system, she notes that the impact of the Supplement is limited because it applies only to households with children under 18, fails to address substantially the average poverty gap, and is clawed back from households that continue to receive any or all of their income from social assistance. The scheme therefore benefits least those households that generally experience the worst poverty. Through the clawback, the Supplement functions primarily as an incentive program to reduce social assistance caseloads through either employment or nuclear family formation. While the Supplement will likely have some dynamic impact on employment by reducing the costs of employment, the magnitude of this impact is subject to numerous external constraints on labour force participation which provincial and territorial reinvestments have either failed to address or substantially change. A number of discursive and structural features of the Benefit also combine to reinforce dominant ideologies regarding work, family and notions of 'deservingness' and to reinforce the social exclusion and stigma attached to reliance on social assistance.