The December 2014 issue of The Yale Law Journal (the 3rd of academic year 2014-2015) features new articles on law and legal theory by internationally recognized scholars. Contents include:
• Article, "The Limits of Enumeration," by Richard Primus
• Article, "Rules Against Rulification," by Michael Coenen
• Feature, "Romanticizing Democracy, Political Fragmentation, and the Decline of American Government," by Richard H. Pildes
• Note, "A 'Full and Fair' Discussion of Environmental Impacts in NEPA EISs: The Case for Addressing the Impact of Substantive Regulatory Regimes," by Sarah Langberg
• Note, "Civil Servant Suits," by Alex Hemmer
• Comment, "Jagged Edges," by Matthew Sipe
• Comment, "Essential Data," by Zachary Abrahamson
This quality ebook edition features linked notes, active Contents, active URLs in notes, and proper Bluebook formatting. The Dec. 2014 issue is Volume 124, Number 3.