Nectar #6
Babaji Bob Kindler
Bruno Barnhart
Sharad Chandra
CS Shah
Arthur Osborne
Lex Hixon
Annapurna Sarada
Scaling the Heights of Advaita Vedanta
Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations
, 2001-12-01
Religion / Hinduism / Sacred Writings
Self-Help / Spiritual
Religion / Unitarian Universalism
Body, Mind & Spirit / Mindfulness & Meditation
Religion / Christianity / General
Religion / Islam / Sufi
Religion / Judaism / General
Advaita, a word of wondrous Oneness, is the specific topic of our Winter issue of Nectar of Nondual Truth — the journal which declares a timeless message of absolute Unity based upon the indivisible and homogenous nature of all existence. Why indivisible? Because despite the apparent bifurcation of Ultimate Reality into two parts, Shiva and Shakti — the static and the dynamic — and these two into a multitude of things via the inscrutable prestidigitation of the hand of Maya, Reality remains both immutable and ever-cohesive. The acts, movements and various conjurings of mind and nature, involved, willingly or unwillingly, in the process of birth, growth, decay and death, can never divide It. Compartmentalization is for creation, not for Consciousness — and even creation, when seen rightly, is one. Why homogenous? Because regardless of the appearance of multiplicity, that pictorial presentation of ephemeral phenomena before the enchanted mind and senses, all is Consciousness, all-pervasive. What is all-pervasive cannot be invited, encouraged, caused, forced, tricked, seduced or persuaded to give up Its innate continuity. The preternatural cosmic laws and powers such as time, space, creation, evolution, dissolution, life, death, transformation and projection are helpless to effect any change in the natural, unique and nonpareil uniformity of Divine Reality. Thus, as the saints, sages, seers and savants all say, there is but one living “substance” in existence, and that is pure conscious Awareness. Being a spiritual verity rather than a material entity, it is true, it is pure, it is real.