註釋"Positive Pedagogy is an athlete centred, inquiry based approach that transforms the way we understand learning and coaching in sport that can be successfully employed across a range of different sports and levels of performance. Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sports Coaching: International Cases reflects the uptake of it by coaches across different countries and sport settings through its complete focus on their experiences of using it and adapting it to their needs and contexts. Comprising of seventeen detailed chapters that examine both Team Sports (part one) and Individual Sports (part two), This book seeks to provide insight into the opportunities and challenges involved in the application of Positive Pedagogy for sport coaching (PPed). Critically, it also identifies any problems they encountered, how they addressed them and what they learned from these experiences. Acting as complementary text to the successful Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching second edition, Applied Positive Pedagogy in Sports Coaching: International Cases is an exciting, applied text that will be of vital reading for all practising sports coaches or physical education teachers looking to improve or even transform their professional practice as well as sports coaching students and researchers"--