The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Having, Under the Providence of God, Been Greatly Instrumental in Raising Such Charitable and Liberal Contributions, as Have Enabled Them to Settle the Protestant Emigrants from Saltzburg at Ebenezer in the English Colony of Georgia
Think Themselves Obliged to Make the Following Letters Publick, that the World May Know how Just and Religious a Sense of Gratitude and Joy These Honest and Good People Have, for All the Blessings and Favours They Have Received from God and Their Benefactors in the Days of Their Distress; and that Those Also Among Us who are Blessed with an Ability of Doing More Abundant Good, May be Satisfied how Well Their Charity Will be Bestowed in a Further Supply of Such Spiritual and Temporal Wants as are Signify'd by Them to the Society, Till They Have it in Their Own Power to Render Their Settlement Compleat