antyprzewodnik po wystawie : Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, grudzień 2020 - kwiecień 2021
出版Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, 2021
註釋This is a guide unlike any other! It will not help you during the visit on the MUSEUM POWER exhibition, but you can find out what the exhibition is about. The MUSEUM POWER exhibition answers the question of what happens to us when we enter a museum exhibition. What means do the curators and designers use? What influences our interpretation of works of art at the exhibitions? What role do our senses, memories of fatigue play in this process? The book translates the content of the MUSEUM POWER exhibition into tasks and texts. Some of them are serious, other ones ironic or funny. You will find there an interview with curators, colouring pages and collages based on works from the collections of the National Museum in Krakow, a recipe for ink, exercises to be performed on your own at home or while visiting museum exhibitions and many other activities inspired by the MUSEUM POWER exhibition.