Lou's Story
註釋May 14, 1863, Lou McCoy's life changed forever. That day, Lou's husband, a Rebel recruiter she hadn't seen in weeks, appeared at her door for an unannounced visit. He left with a kiss and a strong, "Don't tell anyone I was here." Later that night five Federal soldiers came to her home and demanded to know where her husband was hiding. She refused to tell and was arrested the next day. She left three children behind. After a week of house arrest in Saint Joseph, Lou signed the Oath of Allegiance to the Union and was released. She did not go home. Instead she stayed to work in the hospital. Why? To aid in the escape of a Confederate prisoner destined to hang as a spy? And did Lou know about the raid on May 19th in Missouri City, supposedly as revenge for her arrest, where the lieutenant responsible for her arrest was murdered? From Missouri City to Saint Joseph to Arkansas, Lou was led by her conscience--and her strongly vocalized convictions.