All the New Innovations of the 20Th Century
Salvatore Montalbano
Xlibris Corporation
, 2010-08-11
Biography & Autobiography / General
The idea of this book has been born in my mind. It came from the desire to express and introduce the difficulties and the sacrifices I went through in my life, as an emigrant- an outsider, in a new and very harsh country. In this book I will attempt to describe my life and perhaps some customs of the Sicilian Society in those days and the gradual evolution in terms of inventions and social change I witness from the beginning of the Twentieth Century. It was a challenge to express myself in writing since English is not my first language. I had to learn not only a new language to get to this point but also I had to teach myself how to use a computer. Consequently at my age a lot of things get slower including the memory and that too was a challenge, yet it has always been my motto that nothing is impossible. Please excuse me for the jargons I use and redundancy of idea or constantly repeating myself in the course of writing this book since the level of my education is basic elementary instruction and might not allow me to space properly the language. I cannot over emphasized that the fact that as a young Sicilian age 21 graveling a living trying to survive in a world with a cultural and linguistic baggage that delineate me and left me lonely and cold in a very frigid society. Yet the wish to disclose my autobiography has been such that it exceeded these pronounce difficulties. I augur you a good reading and a good travel.