The Link Persona
註釋The Link Persona is a provocative, chilling and timely book about the world's rapid spiral into a nation controlled by inhabitants from another world. Alfajet is an astute man, grasping concepts and theories quickly. Friends with everyone of different races, cultures and creeds, his life reflects his beliefs. That is, until the others came to Earth, and Alfajet shifts his persona in order to adapt. Mysterious toxins are poisoning human, plant and animal life. Humans are being abducted by aliens from a different world. People not prepared for the Armageddon are caught off guard and suffer from manic behavior. The wealthy go mad and the vulnerable and meek become strong. Darkness, rain, and enormous storms rain down everywhere and humans will have to learn to be content and share their planet. Will they learn that nature has control? Will they lessen their own control and greed before it's too late for mankind and for all life on Earth before it's too late? J.M. Richard has written a riveting thriller that not only delivers top-notch action from the first page, but reflects a canny and unsettling foreshadowing of what our world could become. J.M. Richard is an American citizen born in Kenya, East Africa. Mr. Richard graduated from the East Africa School of Theology and then attended Cal State for his post graduate work. He has spent two decades in the fields of religious ministry and motivational speaking to teens and young adults all over the world. He lives in Los Angeles, California.