메르켈 정권 16년
주요 국제 이슈와 정책 평가 (Merkel Era of 16 Years: Observation on Major International Issues and Policies).
出版SSRN, 2022
註釋English Abstract: While Angela Merkel lead Germany for nearly 16 years from November 2005 to December 2021, the voices of both Germany and the EU in the international community had been elevated. Germany, once been called “the sick man of Europe,” revived only to achieve economic development and industrial improvement, as well as reinforcing her position in the global society. The EU, on the other hand, has developed to strengthen its solidarity within the Member States by suggesting common responses to the challenges. During Merkel's era, numerous challenges have occurred in the field of economics, politics, and environment/security, not merely striking Europe, but also the world. Merkel's “slow and steady” approach had been successful handling the situations. Her policies implemented to seek stability had been overall appreciated by the public.