Complete Conduct Principles for the 21st Century

A good book for learning Chinese and at the same time learning better conduct for the coming years and for your better future.

"Raising our children is our most important job ... create a climate in our country that is good for children." -- Former U.S. First Lady Hillary Clinton

"an excellent piece of work and research. reference ... on the challenges of the new century and the new Millennium." -- President F.W. de Klerk, Nobel Laureate in Peace

"comprehensive ... very clear set of principles. No doubt the world would be a better place ... if ... follow these conduct principles." -- Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway

"We recognize the merit and importance of ... book ... in the fight against school violence." -- Louisiana State Superintendent Cecil J. Picar

"a needful preparation for everyone's personal conduct for the 21st century. ... help solve what the Western culture can not." -- BOOKENDS