Islam frente a judaísmo
註釋Analyzes the anti-Jewish stance of the Muslim poet and theologian Ibn Hazm of Cordoba (994-1064) as reflected in his writings, e.g. "Kitâb al-fisal" and especially "Al-Radd 'alâ Ibn al-Nagrîla al-Yahûdî, la 'anahu Allâh" ("La refutación del judío Ibn al-Nagrîla, a quien Dios maldiga"), a refutation of an anti-Quranic treatise allegedly written by Samuel (ha-Nagid) Ibn Nagrela. In this clearly political pamphlet, Ibn Hazm accuses the Jews of having falsified the Torah and he dismisses the Talmud and rabbinical literature as a collection of blasphemies and fairy tales. He fulminated against the privileges and high offices given to the perfidious and "stinking" Jews which is contrary to their "dhimmi" status. States, though, that Ibn Hazm was not an antisemite, since he also attacked other non-Muslims (e.g. Christians), and his criticism was religious and not ethnic (he called for conversion to Islam).