Healing the Curse of Childhood Sexual Abuse
出版BalboaPress, 2011-11-10
主題Medical / Holistic Medicine
註釋Estimates are that 1/3 of adult females and 1/4 of adult males were sexually abused as children. The multilayered wounds reverberate in the Aftershocks of Post Traumatic Stress...for years..or a lifetime --without healing intervention. NOW...the latest holistic Energy therapies CAN and DO guide people in healing rapidly and gently. No longer must victims of child abuse suffer in silence, avoid therapy for fear of the emotional pain, or suffer extensively in years of talk therapy to make progress. With 21st Century technology and tools, advanced knowledge of whole brain functioning, and the ability to change self-defeating beliefs in the subconsious mind--- healing happens. Utilizing the science of Quantum Physics blended with the wisdom of the Word of God, people can be empowered to heal and become whole. Take a look inside.........