The Schmidt Family Genealogy
Robert Weber
From Germany to America
Independently Published
, 2021-07-13
Reference / Genealogy & Heraldry
*** Contains only Black and White Illustrations *** The Descendants of Johannes and Anna Katharina (Peil) Schmidt. The Schmidt family story begins in the village of Wittelsberg in the Kingdom of Prussia. The Schmidt family roots can be traced back to the early 1800's to the village of Wittelsberg. The origins of the family and residence can be traced to Johannes Schmidt in the late 1810's or early 1820's. Documentation was found in the book Wittelsberg: A Chronicle of a Hessen Farming Village in Ebsdorfergrund by Justus Kaiser. On pages 84-85, the residence at No 62 is listed as: Haus/Hofname (Farm Name): Schmidtches (Hannes), Damaliger Besitzer (Owner at that time): Schmidt, Johannes. The Schmidt family house is located at Nr. 62, Wittelsberg, Marburg, Hesse-Nassau, Prussia, Germany. The Schmidt family house has been continuously occupied since the 1820's by the Schmidt family. The address was changed to Nr. 62, 3551 Wittelsberg, Krs. Marburg a/L, Hessen, Germany and then to its current address of Eschbaumstraße 3, 35085 Ebsdorfergrund-Wittelsberg, Germany. Wittelsberg is located in the Ebsdorfergrund, a community consisting of eleven villages in the southeast of the District (Landkreis) of Marburg-Biedenkopf in the Administrative District (Regierungsbezirk) of Gieβen in the state of Hessen. The village has around 1,000 inhabitants. It has been known by different addresses in the past. Some of these addresses include: Wittelsberg, Marburg, Hesse-Nassau, Prussia, Germany; Wittelsberg, Marburg, Hessen, Germany and Wittelsberg, Ebsdorfergrund, Marburg-Biedenkopf, Germany. The family history covers almost 200 years over 2 continents.