This remarkable book is the product of a fruitful collaboration among a native speaker of the Namuyi language, Tibetan and Chinese consultants, and a dedicated group of Westerners resident in China. It affords the reader an intimate glimpse into traditional Namuyi, now well on its way to disappearing along with hundreds of similar minority cultures in the world. The authors of this book are to be congratulated for putting Namuyi language and culture 'on the map' in such a clear and respectful fashion. James A Matisoff
Acknowledgements <6>
Language Consultants <7-8>
Preface (James A Matisoff) <9-11>
Maternal Grandfather <12> Libu Lakhi's Family <12> Education <12-18>
Part One: Libu Lakhi <12-18>
o Village Primary School <12-13>
o Township Primary School <13>
o Middle School <13-14>
o Sichuan Tibetan Language School <14-15>
o Caring for Uncle Denzin <15-17>
o Success at School <17-18>
Part Two: Introduction <19-66> The na53 mʑi53 People <19-21>
Ethnonyms <21>
na53 mʑi53 Origins <21-22>
The na53 mʑi53 Language <22-24>
dʐə11 qu11 Village na53 mʑi53 Clans <24-25>
Clothing <25>
na53 mʑi53 Religion <25-31>
o ɕi53 vi53 <25>
o pʰa53 tsə53 <26>
o An Exorcism Ritual <27-31>
Funerals <31-34>
The New Year in dʐə11 qu11 Village <34-46>
o New Year Rules <34>
o kʰv44 ʂə55 a11 pʰu44 a44 v55 (New Year Ancestors) <34-35>
o Shopping <35-36>
o The Twenty-sixth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month: qʰo44 ʂa55 nga53 <36-38>
o The Twenty-seventh Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month: Slaughtering Pigs <38-40>
o The Twenty-eighth day of the Twelfth Lunar Month: Making the sa44 nda55 <40>
o The Twenty-ninth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month: Making Sausages <40>
o The Thirtieth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month: kʰv44 ʂə55 (New Year) <40-42>
o The First Day of the First Lunar Month: Eating ȵo53 bo11 ly44 ly11 <43-44>
o The Second Day of the First Lunar Month: ȵo53 ʐo11 <44>
o The Third Day of the First Lunar Month: Eating ȵo44 fu53 <44-45>
o The Third to the Fifteenth Days of the First Lunar Month: Visiting <45-46>
na53 mʑi53 Engagement and Marriage <47-61>
o Libu Lakhi's Engagement <47-51>
o Sanjin's Arranged Marriage <51-61>
Monster tsʰo11 ro44 mi11 <62>
Research in Xichang and Mianning <62-66>
Myths <67-165>
Part Three: Texts <67-310>
o Sky-ȵa11 gu44 mi11 and Human-Son lɛ11 ʁu44 ru11 (lu11 tʙu53 a53 zo44) <67-152>
o Family Clan (mbʐə44 m55) <153-165>
People of Power <166-219>
o The Hero a53 pʰi53 ræ53 ɴɢæ53 (li44 ʙu55 ʂə11 pə53) <166-194>
o Religious Specialist li44 ʙu55 ta11 ndi11 (li44 ʙu55 ʂə11 pə53) <195-219>
Monsters and Human Relationships <220-310>
o The Seven Daughters (a44 ma55 do53 dʐə53) <220-276>
o The Puppy (li44 ʙu55 ʂə11 pə53) <277-310>