First Premise begins a 3 ebook series (Treason, GOP's Power Grab) delving into the "Collusion Saga."
Broken down along the three major agendas associated with the collusion storyline, First Premise takes the reader back to where the narrative all began--specifically, the Liberal Media's landslide victory claim.
It was the unfounded assertion Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 Presidential election in a landslide that gave birth to two equally erroneous assumptions--Hillary Clinton was invincible and Donald Trump was unelectable. These two fictitious assumptions would never be tested--sadly, those assumption would become the basis of the liberal media's "Stolen Election" narrative, which ultimately spawned the CIA's unsubstantiated allegation of Russian interference.
First Premise sets the record straight, giving the reader a solid foundation in which to put the disparate pieces of the "Collusion Saga" in their proper place.